Sims 3 worlds emptied
Sims 3 worlds emptied

If you'd like to troubleshoot the Error 12 issue, please let me know what world(s) you were playing in when it happened, and how long the save(s) have been The presence of "Alpine County " suggests that you've installed the world at least twice. I don't know about Falls Cove, but Storybrook County is supposed to be better. Alpine County is such a large and complicated world that hitting the RAM limit is kind of inevitable, even in a relatively new save there's unfortunately not really any way to address it, other than perhaps dismantling large portions of the town, which kind of defeats the purpose. It's most often a memory issue-the game is over the RAM limit, or close to it, and can't save-but it can in theory be any resource. If you don't use mods, you could download households from the Exchange (watch out for bad cc), or you could save interesting sims from other worlds and place them in your new one.Įrror 12 is an out of resources condition. If you use mods, there's a way to force "rapid immigration" of a specified number of families. The NPCs are generated by the game to fill certain essential roles, but otherwise, immigration can be slow, and besides, the sims generated will have all their sliders set to zero, so they'll look pretty similar aside from skin, hair, and eye color.

sims 3 worlds emptied

Did you download the populated or unpopulated version of Alpine County? I'm not sure whether the other two come populated or not, but many world creators leave their finished worlds empty on the assumption that players will download or create sims to live there on their own.

Sims 3 worlds emptied